Main Section
The main section of the DVD runs for 15 minutes and provides you with an overview of the key issues related to voice care for teachers. It shows how the voice works using simple explanations and dynamic illustrations of the anatomy and physiology of voice production. It also details the many factors impacting on the voice such as health, smoking stress and types of voice use. The signs and symptoms of voice problems and how to avoid them are also presented.
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An 11 page booklet (.pdf file) providing a summary of the key information covered can be printed from the DVD.
Users can explore any aspect of interest in more depth through the many additional features:
Seeking Help : What to do if you have a problem (12 minutes)
This section includes an interview with a speech pathologist describing voice therapy, and interviews with a number of teachers talking about their experience of having their voice assessed.
View sample videos from this section of the DVD:
Voice Care Techniques: Simple exercises to try (9 minutes)
This section includes step-by-step instructions for simple exercises which will help to keep your voice working well.
There are simple exercises which you can try including Posture, Warm up and Cool Down Exercises, Release of Constriction, Trilling and Abdominal Control of Breathing
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Helpful Strategies: Teachers share their tips (11 minutes)
Eight teachers share their best tips for looking after your voice in the classroom.
View sample videos from this section of the DVD:
Managing Noise: Getting sound advice (22 minutes)
An expert in classroom acoustics shares her knowledge about managing noise in the classroom. Individual teachers also share ideas about what has worked for them in the classroom under the headings of Noise Reduction Strategies, Classroom Acoustics and Amplification.
Voice Problems: Teacher’s own experiences (17 minutes)
Nine teachers share their experience of having a voice problem, how the problem started, and what they did to recover.
View sample videos from this section of the DVD:
Voice Production: How it all works (7 minutes)
This section uses animations and video footage to describe in detail the anatomy and physiology of voice production and to provide teachers with an understanding of how it works and what can go wrong.
Disorder Endoscopies: A closer look at some problems (7 minutes)
There is a detailed section on examining the larynx including an explanation of the ENT examination using the rigid and flexible endoscopes. You can also view video footage of commonly occurring voice problems including nodules, muscle tension dysphonia, inflammation, paralysis, Reinke’s oedema, cysts and polyps.
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